Tapestry - online learning diary
Every child has their own personal Learning Diary which you can access on the secure website 'Tapestry'.
Parents are given an email address to access the learning diary and your password and user name will be given to you by the pre-school. Once the learning diary has been accessed by yourself without any problems then you can change the password. Parents can view their child's Learning Diary at any time on a variety of devices. Please ask a practitioner if you would like further information on access.
When you log on to the learning diary you will be able to view all of your child's observations, photographs and videos that have been taken during their time at the setting. Photographs are taken of your child's artwork and the original sent home or they may be placed on our display board for a time. An email will inform you when a new observation is available for you to view on the site and this will allow you to follow your child's own personal progress closely and you can share these achievements with your child and family.
We also very much welcome any photographs or observations you wish to put on their learning diary as well, as practitioners are then able to discover more about your child's current interests and the learning they get up to with their family.
To learn more please visit the Tapestry website