Children are accepted from the age of 2 years and can join the pre-school at any time during the school year.
Step 1 Contact us on 01803 312542 or on the contact page of this website to arrange a visit
Step 2 During the visit you will be shown around the pre-school and garden. Do ask any questions and you can contact us by email for any further queries regarding your child’s application.
Step 3 If you wish to apply for a place we will arrange a playdate for you and your child before the start date.
Playdates enable your child to visit the setting from 9.30 until 10.30 which will help introduce your child to our pre-school and staff. During this time we will ask you to fill in the relevant paperwork and is another opportunity to ask any further questions.
Settling in
Many children take to pre-school immediately, whilst some children take a little longer to settle and need reassurance in the first few weeks. Our playdates for new children allows us to spend a little more time with each child and to help make our faces and surroundings more familiar.
Often the parting time at the beginning of a session is the most difficult. Please don’t be anxious if your child is in a little upset when you leave. Usually, this lasts for a short period and your child may settle very well once you have left and they are interested in our activities. We will contact you if your child is not settling. Our staff team, especially your child’s key person works with you during this time.